

qRules: History

What's New in qRules 8.1?

Published on December, 2016

Updated commands

  • A number of commands were revised to return better error messages, including a better error message in the case a parameter is specified more than once.
  • DateDiff / DateAdd
    • Fixed a bug with excluding holidays if the start date includes a time.
  • DelimitedList
    • Added the option to use a blank space for a separator.
  • ExecuteSql
    • Added new timeout parameter.
  • Encode
    • Add new type option for parameter of sharePointFilename
  • SaveToSharePoint
    • Added new timeout parameter.
  • SubmitToDbxl
    • Add support for WithUserKey versions for SubmitDocument and SubmitDocumentWithKey
  • SubmitToSharePointList
    • Fixed a bug that might return an incorrect ID number to an item if some items submit successfully and others do not.
    • Fixed a bug that may cause attachments with special characters in their name to fail to save.
    • Added new parameter to allow a user to submit list items to a specific folder.
  • SwapDomWithDocument
    • Add support for WithUserKey version of web service


  • Added uninject button to remove qRules from a form.
  • Injector expiration date is now displayed on the injector.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred if the user had injected with TermSets and then injected again without.
  • No longer needs to be installed as admin.
  • Can now inject forms with special characters in the file name.

What's New in qRules 7.2?

Published on September, 2015

New Commands:

  • GetViewInfo: Provides information about the view that is currently open in the form.
  • JsonToXml: Converts a JSON string to XML and places the converted XML into one of the form’s data sources.
  • ListInputParameters: Provides a list of the available input parameters in the currently opened form, as a comma-separated list of all of their keys.
  • MakeRequest: Carries out a network request and provides the result.
  • XmlToJson: Converts XML in one of the form’s data sources to a JSON string. Useful in combination with the MakeRequest command for interacting with JSON web APIs.

Updated Commands:

  • RefreshSharePointListItems:
    • Fixed a bug that prevented items from being refreshed if qRulesLastModified is blank.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented using SharePoint List data connections as the data source for the Refresh command.

What's New in qRules 7.1?

Published on March 12, 2015

New Commands:

  • GetConnectionUrl: Returns the current URL of the specified data connection.
  • SendEmail: Supports sending email through Outlook rather than through an email data connection. Send attachments in the form as email attachments. Ability to include rendered views in body of email.

Updated Commands:

  • Transform: Updated to support using xsl:include and xsl:import to import other XSLTs that are stored in the form as a resource file.
  • GetXml: Updated to make /xpath parameter optional. If unspecified, the command returns the entire XML of the specified data source (or the main data source if /dsname is also unspecified)
  • Other commands updated include Encode, SubmitToSharePointList, and AssignDocument

What's New in qRules 6.1?

Published on June 26, 2014

New Commands:

  • CreateSharePointFolder: allows creating a folder in a SharePoint list or library.
  • ExportView: uses InfoPath's built-in functionality to render the current view as a file and save it to a local drive.

Updated Commands:

  • SaveToSharePoint: A parameter called /uniquename was added. It is a boolean parameter and it defaults to true if unspecified. When it is true, qRules will append the current date and time to the file name to ensure that it is unique. When false, qRules will use the actual file name, which can cause collisions if a file with that name already exists in the target location.
  • Encode: Added a new option for the type parameter in order to URI encode strings that are not actual URIs. It uses Uri.EscapeDataString: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.uri.escapedatastring.aspx.
  • SubmitToSharePointList and RefreshSharePointListItems: The commands have been updated to incorporate hierarchical list functionality, allowing relationships between parent and child lists.

Mapping Tool:

  • The Mapping Tool was updated to accomodate the changes made to the SubmitToSharePointList command. The UI has been updated to show parent-child relationships, and a Parent List ID option has been added.


  • If a user modifies the QdabraRules data connection, the form creates a QdabraRules1.xsd file. On a later injection, the injector adds QdabraRules.xsd again. The Injector was updated to address this issue and avoid creating the extra XSD file.
  • The injector was updated to prevent injection of forms that contain custom code.

Other updates:

  • Due to a Microsoft update, InfoPath was crashing whenever a field with a default value referencing a People Picker executed a qRules command. A fix was implemented in qRules to avoid this crash.
  • Execution History repeating node was not displaying the entire Command. qRules was fixed to include the entire Command in this history.

What's New in qRules 5.2?

Published on November 13, 2013

New Commands:

  • GetListGuid: Uses a data connection to the Lists.asmx web service GetListCollection method to return the GUID for the list named in \listname.
  • LookupDns: Allows looking up DNS information.
  • SetXml: Allows setting the XML content of a node based on a string.

Updated Commands:

  • Transform: Added new optional parameters called /placement and /usedocument.
  • ChangeConnectionUrl now allows changing a SharePoint List data connection (2010 and later).
  • SubmitToSharePointList was updated to:
    • No longer encode ampersands and other special characters
    • Improve handling of rich text values mapped to SharePoint columns
  • SaveToSharePoint: updated to remove illegal characters from the filename prior to uploading.
  • SubmitToDbxl now allows using both /user and /xpath parameters simultaneously.

Other updates:

  • Added the ExecutionHistory section in the QdabraRules secondary data source, to keep track of all Commands executed, along with the Result, Success and Error of each one.

What's New in qRules 5.1?

Published on June 16, 2013

qRules v5.1 has been updated to work with SharePoint 2013 and InfoPath 2013.

New Commands:

  • ShowDialog: Show a dialog to the user, set the dialog box text, caption and buttons, and capture the user’s response
  • SetAutoUpdate: Allows disabling or enabling auto update
  • IsDestReachable: Check whether a URL is reachable by the form
  • Copy and Move: Allow copying or moving XML elements
  • EncodeBase64: Encode xml content into base 64
  • ConvertTimeZone: Convert a specified time into a specified timezone
  • GetTimeZone: Obtain the current user’s timezone (or server timezone in a browser form)
  • GetErrors: View a list of the current form’s validation errors
  • GetUserName: Obtain the logged in user’s username

Updated Commands:

  • CopyTable: Improved error messages.
  • AttachToSharePointList now allows specifying a /nameXpath.
  • Minor improvements to RefreshSharePointListItems, RenderForm, Transform and Encrypt.
  • Added a version and upgradedocument parameters to SwapDomWithDocument to allow opening a specific version of a document or upgrading a document to the latest schema, respectively.
  • OpenForm: new parameter to allow opening XML for editing
  • Added a new parameter to the image upload commands to optionally allow the attachment to not be cleared (SubmitToSharePointList, SaveToSharePoint, AttachToSharePointList).

What's New in qRules 4.3?

Published on December 21st, 2012

New Commands:

  • AlterImage - Modifies an image attached to a picture control in the form.
  • FormatNumber - Formats a number into the specified format.
  • GetFormProperty - Obtains the value of a form property.
  • OpenForm - Opens an XSN form using an XML file, if provided.
  • RenderForm - Generates an HTML rendering of the form’s views.
  • SubmitAsUser - Submits to a SharePoint library as a specific user (browser only).
  • SubmitToSharePoint - Submits an XML document to a SharePoint form library.

Updated Commands:

  • SharePoint list mapping, CopyTable, SwapDomWithDocument, Transform, ReplaceString, RefreshSharePointListItems, SubmitToSharePointList, and more.

What's New in qRules 4.2?

Published on June 25th, 2012

New Universal Functionality:

  • Using the /resultdestds and /resultxpath parameters, any command that returns data to the QdabraRules Result node can now also return data to the field of your choice.
    • resultdestds (optional): data source name if /resultxpath is not in the main data source
    • resultxpath (optional): Xpath to field for result. This means that you no longer need to set rules to move information from the result node into your form fields.

New Commands:

  • File: DecodeBase64.
  • Financial: Ddb, Fv, Ipmt, Irr, Mirr, Nper, Npv, Pmt, Ppmt, Pv, Rate, Sln, Syd.
  • Math: Abs, Acos, Asin, Atan, Atan2, BigMul, Ceiling, Cos, Cosh, DivRem, Exp, Floor, Log, Pow, Round, Sin, Sinh Sqrt, Tan, Tanh.
  • String: CompareStrings, GetIndex, PadString, RemoveFromString, ReplaceString, SetCase, TrimString.

Updated Commands:

  • SaveToSharePoint - Performance improved for document upload and now contains an /async parameter for asynchronous upload.
  • RefreshSharePointListItems - improved messages to count items that match.
  • SubmitToSharePointList - You can now submit to multiple mappings using only one command. Also, the mapping tools allows you to create multiple mappings for one mapping file and import mapping.xml for further edits.
  • CopyTable - Added /xpathdest parameter in case the tabledest has a filter.
  • SaveToDbxl - Now has a new parameter called /qdimage to allow uploading images.
  • DateDiff/DateAdd - Exclude holidays when calculating weekdays.

What's New in qRules 4.1?

Published on March 14th, 2012

New Feature:

  • Now supports Office 365 browser forms.

New Commands:

  • ListDirectory - Takes a path to a directory, and returns results to a field in a repeating node.
  • ValidateUsers - Accepts a username, domain and password and will verify that the credentials are correct.
  • GetTermPath - Queries SharePoint’s TaxonomyClientService to obtain the path for a given term.
  • GetTermSetIds - Queries SharePoint to obtain a list of available TermSetsIds.
  • GetUserProfileByName - Retrieves the user information from SharePoint’s GetUserProfileByName Web service.

What's New in qRules 4.0?

Published on January 29th, 2012

New Features:

  • Use managed metadata in your InfoPath forms using qRules.
  • Now you can add keywords and terms to your InfoPath forms.
  • Keywords lead on better search results on SharePoint.

New Commands:

  • GetTermSets – Retrieve the set of terms from the taxonomy web service.
  • GetTermSetsByLabel – Retrieve a set of terms based on a label or search string.

What's New in qRules 3.4?

Published on December 20th, 2011

New Commands:

  • SaveToPath - Saves the main or a secondary data source's XML to a local file
  • CreateDirectory - Creates a local directory
  • DeleteFile - Deletes a local file
  • ChangeConnectionUrl - Changes the URL for a data connection (webservice, XML file, etc.)
Updated Commands:
  • Insert command is now iterative.
  • Improved exception messages returned by SaveToSharePoint.
  • and more...

What's New in qRules 3.3?

Published on August 3rd, 2011

New Commands:

  • GetFileName - Gets the file name for your form.
  • ModifySqlQuery - Parameterize your SQL queries.
  • OpenUrlInBrowser - Open a link with a button click.
  • Transform - Use driven and powerful XSLT to transform a secondary data source XML into your main data source.
  • ExecuteSqlQuery - Call a SQL stored procedures.
Updated Commands:
  • SubmitToSharePoint now allows a user to add an xpath filter to the repeating group they are submitting.
  • SaveToSharePoint now has the ability to specify filename.

What's New in qRules 3.2?

Published on May 31st, 2011

  • GetDayOfYear - Returns an integer value indicating the day number in the year for a date value.
  • GetValue - Takes the innerXml or outerXml for a given xpath and stores as a string value in the QdabraRule Result field.
  • Encode - Use to encode or decode a string for url and uri.
  • Office 365 enabled - Now able to be used in conjunction with Microsoft Office 365. With InfoPath, this allows you to quickly create online forms for your customers, employees, vendors and partners. Collect information and store it on your Team Site to provide immediate access, real-time reporting and business process automation.

What's New in qRules 3.1?

Published on March 25th, 2011

  • Relink - Switch the form template, or the version of the template of current document.
  • SetFocus - Set the focus to the specified xpath.
  • DeleteFromSharePoint - Allow users to delete a document in SharePoint.
  • Context node is added to the QdabraRules (Secondary data connection) to identify which node currently has focus.

What's New in qRules 2.4?

Published on December 21st, 2010

  • GetXML - Support the extraction of any node’s InnerXml or OuterXml as a string.
  • QueryData - Call a Web Service and specify a timeout and capture Web service error messages.
  • Replace Supports Changing Namespaces - Swap out an XML with one from another namespace.
  • Add Days - Date calculation support for forms.
  • Improved functionality - More descriptive error messages.

What's New in qRules 2.3?

Published on September 24th, 2010

  • SetCaption - Sets the window caption. Great for DBXL customers who want to have the “title” of their document show up in the Title Bar instead of the DocID or for anyone who doesn’t like the default InfoPath Captions (client only).
  • AttachToSharePointList - Saves attachments to list items so you can replace with a link and a filename attribute. This includes logic to create a unique filename for the attachment in the list or you can provide your own name. Also works for repeating attachments.
  • Generate Random Number - Useful for forms that need to generate a random number. Allows setting of upper and lower bounds for the random number.
  • Get Environment - Returns Mobile, Browser or Client. Use with SetDefaultView to choose which view a form opens with depending on the environment.
  • Refresh SharePoint List items - Used in tandem with SubmitToSharePointList to update list items with most recent edits to the list. Supports all changes, including deletes. Can be used in either report or update mode.
  • Get Full Date Time - Returns milliseconds for people who want to use date time as a unique ID. Supports optional format.
  • Set Default View - Switches the view on open using Get Input Parameters or GetEnvironment to choose a different view and set as default.
  • SetSave - Gives the form designer access to a variety of previously code-only save options, such as dynamically allowing save or setting the save location (client only).
  • SubmitToSharePointList - New parameters added to include attachments (single and repeating). Includes all the options available for AttachToSharePointList. Now supports submission of rich text to SharePoint List rich text columns (mapping must be created with updated IPToShP List tool).
  • SaveToSharePoint - New option to provide data source to SharePoint’s Copy Web Service to allow saving images or files to a different server than where the form resides (no cross domain issues).
  • Copy Table - Fix to prevent the view from being left in a non-updatable state.
  • IPToShP List tool - Adds ability to mark a field as rich text for use in submit to SharePoint list or when using the tool as standalone.
  • Injector - New ability to choose if you want browser or client compat; if you choose client, you can also use SetSave & SetCaption. Supports re-injecting and updating from client to browser.

What's New in qRules 2.2?

Published on June 22nd 2010

  • Insert and Remove Processing Instruction - No code needed to change where your form resides which eases migration.
  • Clear Errors - Publish XML forms with errors. Great for testing!
  • Get Attachment Attribute - Extract the details, including file name, extension, and size.
  • Delimited List - Concatenate a repeating field into a single delimited value.

What's New in qRules 2.1?

Published on March 15th, 2010

  • Password Protect - Hide sensitive data using client-side encryption.
  • Format Date - Format your dates from SharePoint or SQL and show just the year, month, or day.
  • Get Week Day - Get the date value for a day of the week and improve your forms’ usefulness. Use Get Week Day in an open rule to quickly calculate the date for a weekday and populate your form based on it.

Previous Features:

  • Submit To SharePoint List - Now browser compatible. Submit your XML form to a SharePoint list.
  • Filter SharePoint data - Dynamically filter SharePoint data (uses owssrv queries).
  • Change Submit URL - Dynamically switch the form library for SharePoint submit.
  • Copy Rich Text - Copy a rich text field.
  • Set Value - Use a filter to specify the target field in a repeating list.
  • Save To SharePoint - Save a file, a set of files, an image or a set of images to SharePoint.
  • Generate GUID - Need a unique identifier (UID) for your form? Use this command to generate a globally unique identifier.
  • Copy Table - Copy data from one table to another.
  • Replace - Replace data from one group to another; able to handle a more complex node structure.
  • Move Table - Move data from one table to another.
  • Sort Table - Sort the table.
  • Insert - Insert a row into a repeating table.
  • Delete - Delete nodes from a table.
  • Execute Action - Execute a view action. For example, insert an optional section.
  • Get Error Count - Get the number of errors in the current XML.
  • Is Dirty - Check the dirty flag in the form to see if the form has changed.
  • Set Dirty - Set the dirty flag.
  • Get Input Parameter - Return the value of input parameters.
  • Date Diff - Calculate the difference between two dates.
  • Is New - Check whether the form is newly created and has not yet been saved nor submitted.
  • Is Read Only - Check whether a form is in a read-only state (i.e. users cannot save the form).

For our DBXL Web Service customers, we also include some common commands that you can use with DBXL (for a free trial of DBXL, click here):

  • Save To DBXL - Save a file, a set of files, an image, or a set of images to DBXL.
  • Submit To DBXL - Submit a form to DBXL Web Service, which then maps to SQL and SharePoint.
  • Remove DBXL Processing Instruction - When you want to copy an existing form, use this to remove the document ID of your currently open form so it can be saved as a new form.